Tuesday, December 22, 2009

January Broomball

Humboldt Hawks UNITE!! The Schlukebier family has volunteered to host this awesome January event for all staff. Broomball for one and all. Bring your broomball shoes, maybe a stick, a cool dive like the one shown...

I'm not quite sure, actually, I have never played broomball. I think at this point all that may be required is your person (you could also bring a friend, a guy off the street, your mate) a snack and a beverage to share and some spirit to engage in this highly competitive sport.

Date: Friday, January 22, 2010
Time: 7:00
Location: 1117 Oseola Ave., St. Paul, 55105 Grand and Lexington area

I will put the date on the calendar below (scroll down to another blog date and you will see it). The address (complete with a map), will be on the calendar when you click on the event.

Have a safe, warm and restful (or energetic, whichever you prefer)winter break!

C. Garcia

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Holiday Party Results

The Humboldt Holiday Party results are in. 47% of the voters said that they would prefer

3:00 on Friday, December 11th.

The location is the Glockenspiel.

605 7th Street West
St Paul, MN 55102-3043
(651) 292-9421

Food and beverages are on your own.
Join us for camaraderie and Humboldt Hawk cheer.

Your Cruise Director,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

River Rats Roast Marshmallows - Friday, November 6th

On the other end of this stick is a River Rat. It could be you. Mmmmm...can you taste that S'more?

Please join the River Rats Social Club for our first large event, a bonfire bonanza to bring light into the darkness of autumn. Claudia and I are being true to our word by hosting our first large event of the school year. We were shooting for October but with the River Rendezvous and how "time flies when you are having fun", October is fast coming to a close. So, we scheduled this for the first weekend in November. We are securing a date in December for a holiday/solstice celebration. Check the blog in the near future for details.

Dress warm, bring a friend, spouse/partner or cool dude with you (no one under 18 please). BYOB and bring a snack to share. The address and directions for the fuego are located in the calendar which is below - in a couple of the other blog entries (scroll down please). Go to NOVEMBER by clicking on the right arrow by the word "October". Click on the event listed on Friday, November 6th and you will see the details. Questions...you know where I work.

Bon Voyage! Carrie

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Second Friday of Each Month...

This will be the River Rats regular meeting time from now on. 2:30-5:00. It was expressed that Thursdays were difficult for people so we switched in to Fridays.

This is not a perfect date and there are many things that could interfere but we are going to go with it. Those who can and want to attend, should!

Looking forward at the school calendar on Lotus Notes:
November 13 -(oooo...a Friday the 13) is a Professional Development day with nothing going on in the evening.
December 11th - looks free of any school commitments.
January 8 - also looks clear.
February 12 - we may run into something going on as it is the Sno Daze dance from 7-10 pm.
March 12 - open
April 9 - Another Professional Development day- no students...reason to go out..yes?
May 14 - nada
June 11 - Last day of school for students...we NEED to go out on this day and celebrate our successes TOGETHER!

So, yes, life happens and things will interfere with the second Friday of each month but our idea was that if we don't just set a date, we won't do it. There you have it... the River Rat philosophy...

Lastly, I came across this song. It is appropriately entitled: River Rat

Maybe we can all learn the lyrics and sing it together some time? It is kinda catchy :)

(to listen to the song, you need to click on the little blue arrow under the picture of the house where is says 00:00 in order to make the song run)


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another reason for a meeting - October 13th

No, it isn't a Friday...it's a Tuesday but...

October 13 is Parent/Teacher Conferences from 4-7. Afterwards, we are holding another River Rats meeting from 7ish-10ish.

You can't have too many meetings, right? Well, when it comes to the River Rats, you can't... and personally speaking, I don't think we have had enough. It seems like eons ago we had our first meeting and although it wasn't very well attended (the first week of school can be hectic), those that came had a delightful time.

Now, I've created the awesome (if I do say so myself) calendar below for easy use and access. Please use it! By hovering with your mouse and clicking on the event time, on the day it is scheduled, you will see the details of the event. The location comes up and a little thing that says "map". If you click on the word "map", you will get a full blown map of the place we are meeting AND you can even get directions to the location from wherever you are! Isn't technology amazing? If you are having trouble with this, I will be glad to help you. Rm 1232. I am not really that tech savy, I just pretend I am.

Signing off.

Your Cruise Director,

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Claudia vs. Carrie

Ok. It has come to my attention that you all might not know who is responsible for the River Rats Social Club. There are two of us and we realize that both our names begin with a "C" but we are two separate individuals.

Claudia teaches ELL and Carrie teaches Special Education. You might think these are similar fields but they are really different departments and specialties.

We created this visual for you so that when you see us in the hall, you can call us by our correct names and titles.

To the left is Claudia - Assistant Cruise Director

Right, is Carrie - Cruise Director and blog aficionado.

Other differences - Claudia is Mexican but does not have a Spanish last name(Reeve). Carrie DOES have a Spanish last name (Garcia) but according to Claudia is NOT Mexican (you only are Mexican if both your parents came from Mexico and you know what a chancla is).

The Director, Carrie, is responsible for the blog with helpful input from the Assistant Director. Thanks Claudia.

So, there you have it. Now you can tell us a part.

Today: Sept. 9th -Teacher Appreciation Day at Applebee's

Claudia Reeve found this and wanted to make it known to all teachers.

Take advantage of this great deal if you can.


Wednesday, September 9th
All teachers will get their choice of one of the following:

$1.99 Plus Tax

Teachers can also get a regular

Teachers must show school ID. Limit one per guest. Tax and gratuity
are additional. Offer valid on September 9, 11 AM - 9 PM. Only good at
participating corporate restaurants in Minnesota and western Wisconsin.
Dine in only.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Start of a New Year

I thought I would go techno and create a space where the staff of our school can get the River Rats Social Club info.

Since we ARE a green school, I didn't want to waste paper, cut down a tree etc... to get this important social information out.

So first things first...I have created an on-line calendar for you all to check to see when our social outings are. Here it is.

I will update this as needed. For now it shows all the dates and locations of our monthly meetings.

Please check this blog and mostly the calendar for other social meetings and important social info.

Here's to a great year of camaraderie and cheer!