Wednesday, October 21, 2009

River Rats Roast Marshmallows - Friday, November 6th

On the other end of this stick is a River Rat. It could be you. Mmmmm...can you taste that S'more?

Please join the River Rats Social Club for our first large event, a bonfire bonanza to bring light into the darkness of autumn. Claudia and I are being true to our word by hosting our first large event of the school year. We were shooting for October but with the River Rendezvous and how "time flies when you are having fun", October is fast coming to a close. So, we scheduled this for the first weekend in November. We are securing a date in December for a holiday/solstice celebration. Check the blog in the near future for details.

Dress warm, bring a friend, spouse/partner or cool dude with you (no one under 18 please). BYOB and bring a snack to share. The address and directions for the fuego are located in the calendar which is below - in a couple of the other blog entries (scroll down please). Go to NOVEMBER by clicking on the right arrow by the word "October". Click on the event listed on Friday, November 6th and you will see the details. know where I work.

Bon Voyage! Carrie


  1. Will Claudia be there this time?

  2. THAT remains to be seen, doesn't it?

  3. Well if you missed the River Rats Marshmallow Roast and Bonfire - Friday, then you really miss out on a good time. A beautiful night for good food and drink, a little singing a little dancing, and good conversations (not too many of them about work.) Thank you Carrie and Claudia for a great time
