Ok. It has come to my attention that you all might not know who is responsible for the River Rats Social Club. There are two of us and we realize that both our names begin with a "C" but we are two separate individuals.
Claudia teaches ELL and Carrie teaches Special Education. You might think these are similar fields but they are really different departments and specialties.
We created this visual for you so that when you see us in the hall, you can call us by our correct names and titles.
To the left is Claudia - Assistant Cruise Director
Right, is Carrie - Cruise Director and blog aficionado.
Other differences - Claudia is Mexican but does not have a Spanish last name(Reeve). Carrie DOES have a Spanish last name (Garcia) but according to Claudia is NOT Mexican (you only are Mexican if both your parents came from Mexico and you know what a chancla is).
The Director, Carrie, is responsible for the blog with helpful input from the Assistant Director. Thanks Claudia.
So, there you have it. Now you can tell us a part.
This is great ladies...you're fun!