Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Claudia vs. Carrie

Ok. It has come to my attention that you all might not know who is responsible for the River Rats Social Club. There are two of us and we realize that both our names begin with a "C" but we are two separate individuals.

Claudia teaches ELL and Carrie teaches Special Education. You might think these are similar fields but they are really different departments and specialties.

We created this visual for you so that when you see us in the hall, you can call us by our correct names and titles.

To the left is Claudia - Assistant Cruise Director

Right, is Carrie - Cruise Director and blog aficionado.

Other differences - Claudia is Mexican but does not have a Spanish last name(Reeve). Carrie DOES have a Spanish last name (Garcia) but according to Claudia is NOT Mexican (you only are Mexican if both your parents came from Mexico and you know what a chancla is).

The Director, Carrie, is responsible for the blog with helpful input from the Assistant Director. Thanks Claudia.

So, there you have it. Now you can tell us a part.

Today: Sept. 9th -Teacher Appreciation Day at Applebee's

Claudia Reeve found this and wanted to make it known to all teachers.

Take advantage of this great deal if you can.


Wednesday, September 9th
All teachers will get their choice of one of the following:

$1.99 Plus Tax

Teachers can also get a regular

Teachers must show school ID. Limit one per guest. Tax and gratuity
are additional. Offer valid on September 9, 11 AM - 9 PM. Only good at
participating corporate restaurants in Minnesota and western Wisconsin.
Dine in only.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Start of a New Year

I thought I would go techno and create a space where the staff of our school can get the River Rats Social Club info.

Since we ARE a green school, I didn't want to waste paper, cut down a tree etc... to get this important social information out.

So first things first...I have created an on-line calendar for you all to check to see when our social outings are. Here it is.

I will update this as needed. For now it shows all the dates and locations of our monthly meetings.

Please check this blog and mostly the calendar for other social meetings and important social info.

Here's to a great year of camaraderie and cheer!